The 50-star American flag was officially adopted on July 4, 1960, and was first raised
over Fort McHenry National Historic Site. At the Court of Honor Tuesday night, we
recognized the 65-year history of Troop 26, organized that same year and were given a
new “65” patch to sew on our shirts. Our troop is strong and active with 50 registered
scouts and in fact, several of the scouts received the “recruiter” patch for their initiative
in bringing in new scouts. Almost all of our troop was present for the ceremony
accompanied by many parents, grandparents and siblings.
Fellow Scout Caio Pereira did a great job as our master of ceremonies as he led us through the
presentation of colors, the scoutmaster report, rank advancement and merit badge
awards. A highlight of the evening was the performance by all the scouts, led by ASM
Soga, of our newly learned Troop 26 song. We are an honored and unique group of
scouts to actually have a song, a tradition of troops in the early years of scouting.
We had 17 rank advancements at the COH, and remarkably, we also honored the
promotion of four scouts to the Eagle Scout Rank; Eamon Gordon, Theodore Harman,
Warren Spang and Joshua Stone. Congratulations to these four hard working scouts.
The evening ended with a bake sale auction benefiting our troop coffer with many
parents bringing yummy looking cakes, cookies and cinnamon rolls.


Don’t Stop Here

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