Jim Bartlett, Advancement Chair
While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a Service Project help to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project must benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) Use the most current Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook that can be found online and download at:
http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/boyscouts/advancementandawards/eagleworkprocedures. aspx -
Complete the Service Project Workbook through page E of the Project Proposal section and obtain the signatures of your Unit Leader, your Unit Committee and Beneficiary.
The Council must approve your fundraising activities in advance if your Service Project requires obtaining contributions from sources other than from the beneficiary, or from you, your parents or relatives, your unit or its chartered organization, or from parents or members in your unit. Please complete the Fundraising Application – page A of the Forms section.
Please contact Jim Bartlett, District Advancement Chair by email at jim@WingsFund.com to arrange a meeting for review and approval of your Service Project Proposal. Once you have District Approval, you may proceed with your Service Project.
After you complete all your Eagle requirements, including your Service Project, please fill out the Eagle Scout Rank Application found online here.
Please submit your “Eagle Packet” consisting of (a) your complete Eagle Scout Rank Application, (b) your Requirement 7 Statement and (c) your completed Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook to Peter McClintock, District Executive, at the Scout Service Center located on Modoc Road. Be sure to make and keep copies of all your documents.
Your Application will be checked against Council records. If everything is in order, then the Council will provide a certification signature and send your original “Eagle Packet” (Application, Requirement 7 Statement and Service Project Workbook) to the District Advancement Committee. We will check your references and then schedule your Eagle Board of Review for the next available 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month.
Prepare for your Eagle Board of Review by being able to recite the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Motto and Slogan, by being able to recite or explain the Outdoor Code and by being able to describe the Scout badge. We encourage you to appear before the Board in your full field uniform, including your merit badge sash with all your merit badges.
Your Unit Leader may introduce you to the Board and remain in the room, but only to observe, not to participate unless called upon. Your parents and other families members are encouraged to attend, but may not remain in the room during your review.