
Scout Book is the official BSA online record keeping system. It is useful for the tracking of advancements and long-distance sign offs. You can also print important documents such as blue cards and reports on advancements. The more we embrace Scout Book the more efficient we can be as a troop by empowering Scouts and Parents to track advancements.

Below is some information that will help you.

  • How to get to Scout Book?
  • Scout Book can be accessed via the web at or via the “Scouting” App which can be downloaded from Google’s Play Store or Apple’s Appstore
  • How to use Scout Book?
    • Signing up to Scout book
      • All Scouts have a Scout Book account, but your parent/guardian must first login and link to you before you can access Scout Book.
    • Parents need to go to the scout book website and create an account. Here is a helpful video showing them the steps.
      Scoutbook Introduction and Tutorial for Parents
  • Navigating Scout Book
    • Sign in: At the home page or on the app sign-in with your username and password. You may need to complete the “Captcha” to ensure that you are not a robot
      Note: If you have successfully logged into Scout Book and are having difficulties select the logout button to end your connection and then try logging-in again. 
    • Logged in: The first screen you will come to is your “Home Page” It has helpful resources which you may or may not use. We will focus on Dashboard access here
    • Dashboard: From your Dashboard you can access your Account, Messages and Events
      • My Account: This is where you will find the details of your Scouting Experience. See below for more information
      • Messages: Use Messages to send messages to other scouts or leaders. Sending messages through Scout Book will automatically copy parents
      • Events: Displays a Calendar of Events for future and past events
    • My Account: From here you can manage your Scouting experience
      • Header: Displays, rank, patrol, troop, counsel, and parent
      • Advancement: Displays your ranks and complete merit badges
      • Awards: Displays awards if any
      • Edit Profile: Your personal information
      • My Advancement: Detailed information on ranks, Eagle Palms and Merit Badges.
        • If you click on a rank or merit badge you can see the requirements as well as the percent completed. To the left you can see check boxes. These will get filed out if you complete them. They get signed by you merit badge counselor and or your Scout Master. 
        • There are different colors for sign offs. Refer to the legend
          • Grey – prerequisite required or optional
          • White – not started
          • Green border – started. You have started the requirement
          • Solid Green – completed. signed off by Merit Badge Counselor or Leader
          • Blue – Unit Leader Approved
          • Yellow – awarded. Advancement has been awarded.


  • Bridging Physical to Digital
    • Merit Badge — The process to get linked with a merit badge is much the same in reality of digitally.
      • Meet with Scoutmaster Schley to approve Merit Badge and provide Merit Counselor recommendation if needed
      • Provide your blue card to Mr. Soga to add Merit Badge in Scout Book and link you to your Merit Badge Counselor
      • In Scout book confirm you are linked
    • Ranks — You do not need to be linked to anyone for ranks however you need to complete the requirements
      • Complete requirement and get book signed-off
      • Complete Advancement Slip and provide to Mr. Soga for sign-off in Scout Book
      • Note: You can also get requirements signed of by the Scoutmaster or an Assistant Scout Master directly in Scout Book
    • Completing
      • Once you complete a requirement it has to be approved by the Unit Leader and will be displayed in blue
      • Final award will display advancements in yellow


  • Troop Scout Book Contacts
    (Please refer to Troop contact list for contact information)
    • ASM Sam Soga
    • Scout Book Feature Implementation: Susan Abbott

Scout resource: Leo