Parent Committee Meeting
The July meeting will be this Tuesday the 1st. All parents are encouraged to attend the meetings. Remember your Scouts get patrol points if you attend the meetings.
St. Marks Pancake Breakfast
Thank you to all the volunteers who signed up to help with the breakfast. The troop is very fortunate to have the use of such a great facility.
Service Project
The July 4th parade is this Friday. Volunteers will meet at 9:00 am in front of the Veterans Hall at 112 W. Cabrillo Blvd.
August Parent Committee Meeting
There will be no parent meeting in August as many will be away on the Sierra Trek.
Troop 26 Family BBQ
Saturday September 20th will be the date for this years BBQ at Goleta Beach. Mark your calanders. Jim Hirsch and Ceaser Zavallos have volunteered to head up this event. Thank you to you both.
September Court of Honor
The next Court of Honor will be Tuesday the 23rd of September.Encourage your scouts to get those sign offs.
San Francisco Bike Trek
Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped get the scouts to San Francisco for what turned out to be a great ride. And thank you to Gillian Swanson and all who helped with the BBQ at Refugio Beach at the end of the ride. Gillian also presented the riders with T shirts with a very creative design to remember the trip. Thank you Gillian. And thank you to the Scout Masters for organizing a great trip for the scouts.
Remember the parent meeting on Tuesday
Jerry Ball
Committee Chair