Parent Committee Minutes – March 2014

March 4, 2014

Welcome New Parents!

We welcomed four new scouts to Troop 26 this evening. A big thank you to the parents who joined the Committee meeting this evening. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated and will go a long way towards helping all of the Scouts be more successful.

Treasurer Update

Susan Swider

  • Collecting money for Philmont, Spring Break and Summer Camp
  • Most of the dues are in, but some are outstanding
  • New Scouts will have a pro-rated amount
  • All dues are for the calendar year ($125/year first scout, second scout is an additional $100)
  • Philmont cost is approximately $800 plus travel costs
  • Summer camp is approximately $350; A $150 deposit is being taken now
  • Susan passed around a copy of our Balance Sheet and check register from January 1 to today

Trip Update

ASM Trey Pinner
Colorado River Update

  • Spring Break trip (2 weeks away)
  • Four adults & 15 Scouts going on this trip
  • New scouts can still sign up
  • Link to the Colorado River article on the site

Scoutmaster Intro

Paul Johnson

  • Your involvement is needed and appreciated
  • We have a lot of used gear (boots, shirts, pants, etc) that is free for you to use. Please check the gear room before you go out and buy anything
  • Be sure to go to for a wealth of resources, calendar, etc

Committee Chair

  • Parent meetings are the first Tuesday of each month
  • Often we ask a few parents to help out with the Board of Reviews to help the scouts advance
  • March 18th meeting will be an Eagle Court of Honor at the church next door
  • 4% of all scouts who start will get to Eagle
  • Los Padres is at 6%
  • Troop 26 is a little bit higher than that even

Fundraising Ideas

  • Very little of the budget comes from any fundraising
  • Most of the money all comes from dues
  • Jerry Ball passed around a list of various fundraising ideas & if you have any ideas, please share them; if you’re interested in spearheading one of these, please let us know
  • Selling Popcorn and Grocery Script (Von’s) goes directly to your scout’s account
  • Contact Gillian Swanson about popcorn sales – can this be done online?
  • Contact Stephanie Acuna for Script sales

Looking Ahead

  • Next parent meeting on April 1st
  • First week in April – work day at Camporee
  • Second week of April – Camporee
  • Court of Honor on April 15th

Don’t Stop Here

More To Explore

Big Sur Backpacking 2024

Silver Peak Wilderness Troop 26 did a 5 day 4 night backpacking trip! View Interactive Map Day 1 | Spruce Creek Day 2 | Lion Den Camp Day 3 | Lion Den Camp Day 4 | Buckeye Camp Day 5

East Beach Restoration

October 26, 2024 East Beach Restoration On Saturday we congregated at the Santa Barbara East Beach nature restoration area with about eight scouts. The object of the service project was to eliminate non-native weeds and plants from the area around

Radio Badge Workshop 

September 28, 2024 Radio Badge Workshop  Several weeks before our trip to the radio facility, we all met via Zoom for a preparation class to learn about the technical requirements for the amateur radio license.  On Saturday, Mr. Hannotte and

Annual Scout Picnic

October 13, 2024, Annual Scout Picnic The annual Scout picnic at the Stow Grove Park was a huge success this year with over 40 in attendance, including leaders, parents and siblings. As with any picnic, the highlight was the variety

The Voice of Experience (October 2024)

Backcountry Hygiene and Sanitation Keep Hands and Fingers Clean Much (and probably most) intestinal illness experienced during or after an extended outdoor adventure is due to poor hygiene, particularly unwashed hands. Solution:  Carry a hand sanitizer (available as a

The Voice of Experience (September 2024)

Cleaning Your Gear I know. You meant to scrub and scour your gear after last campout. But … (insert your excuse here). Now, set aside one weekend afternoon to get your gear back into action and promise to be better