Hello Scouts of Troop 26,
Jay, Theo and I are holding a Troop Guide meeting this Tuesday at 6:00 Pm.
We will go over the First Class requirements 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d, which are lashings. Nearly every Scout under First Class needs these so please come. The meeting will take place in the green bar room and I hope to see you there.
I want to make sure prospective First Class Scouts are working on the long lead items such as the fitness log, camping nights, and cooking the three meals.
If you have not started your fitness logs (Tenderfoot 6b, 6c, Second Class 7a, 7b, and First Class 8a, 8b ) I will bring the tools for your fitness test (6a) so you can start your log. You will have to get your mile run/walk time before you start your log. Usually school makes you do it so that will count.
If you need camping nights/cooking the three meals, you need to go on outings. The next outing is Big Sur so sign up to go if you can. Theo and Jay are planning to go.
We are here to help. If you need something that has not been discussed, please see one of us.
Also, Theo is doing a chess meeting in January. If there are any scouts looking to earn the chess merit badge please Theo.
COH Alert — The next Court of Honor is on .
Last BOR for the COH is on
Last Outing for sign-offs is Big Sur Backpacking Trip .
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
November 28th
December – TBD
January 30th
For more information please visit: HTTPS://scoutbook.scouting.org/mobile/dashboard/calendar/event.asp?EventID=5304517