Hello Scouts and Families,
Mrs. Perez has organized this community service opportunity for our Scouts. It will be the first opportunity for our troop to help with Earth Day. If you want to help, please follow the instructions below AND please help us identify your registration by giving us a “Yes” RSVP in the Scoutbook Calendar.
M. Schley, Scoutmaster
Hello Troop 26 Scouts!
Did you or your parents know that the First Official Earth Day celebration was right here in Santa Barbara??
If you would like to participate in the 54th year of this Celebration please do the following:
1. Sign up in Scout Book for this event
2. Go to the Earth Day website link included and sign up ONLY for the Volunteer Time Slot on Saturday April 27th from 1pm- 4pm. You can put your name as a child in the volunteer time slot but please include the name of whichever parent who can also be there with you at the event in the “comments”. I do NOT know what you will be doing as a volunteer but I’m sure it will be interesting 🙂
3. Make sure that you SHOW UP on time if you signed up- Mrs. Perez will be there to make sure you get Community Service hours credit in Troop 26
4. WEAR YOUR CLASS B Troop 26 T-Shirt so people in our community can see how much Scouts Care about our community and environment.
Volunteer Link https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/2232792860108/false#/invitation
or the main website from which you can find the Volunteer Link : https://www.sbearthday.org/
Mrs. Stephanie Perez, R.A.
Trooop 26