Troop 26 is an active and adventure-oriented Boy Scout Troop established in 1960. The Troop is sponsored by St. Mark United Methodist Church, located at 3942 La Colina Rd. The Troop consists of an average of 40 boys and four patrols. Our Troop’s focus is developing leadership skills and backpacking/outdoor activities.
In addition to our parent involvement, which is always encouraged, Troop 26’s adult leadership team consists of six Eagle Scouts, three District Award of Merit Recipients, and two Silver Beaver Award Recipients. Troop 26 has consistently received a Presidential Award at the annual Los Padres Council Camporee.
We invite you to visit our Troop and see for yourself if Troop 26 is the “Boy Scout Experience” that will make the difference in your son’s life.
We are confident that the skills your son will learn in Troop 26 will help to make him a positive and prepared leader.
One of the most important aspects of Scouting is “Scouting”. Our troop participates in a monthly weekend outing every 3rd weekend and a day hike on the 1st Saturday of the month. Our summer program consists of a week-long summer camp at varying BSA facilities, including camps on Catalina Island and the Sequoia National Forest.
In addition, our Troop participates in many different summer backpacking and camping trips, including the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Mt. Whitney, and Philmont Scout Ranch.
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