Friends of Troop 26

“Be prepared” is the scout motto. Friends of Troop 26, a 501(C)(3) non-profit charitable organization, was prepared in every way to help out this year. Friends of Troop 26 is wholly created to support the Scouts and the Scouting program of Troop 26. We were able to fundraise with the help of both current and former members of our Troop. Our donors this year were a mixed group of past Eagle Scouts, current Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, families of Eagle Scouts and parents of young Scouts working through the ranks. All contributed to the success of our fundraising.

Usually, the monies would go to providing scholarships but since many activities were cancelled, funds were used in other important areas. New tents, stoves and water filters were needed to keep our Scouts warm and fed on our annual Sierra backpacking trip. With current restrictions in place, only one scout per tent was allowed, thereby doubling the numbers of tents required. Because of the generous donation of one scout family, we were able to buy gear required to keep our scouts safe on the trail. All important safety and health guidelines were followed on the trip to the Sierras. Everyone came home from the trek tired but healthy.

We could use your support. All the administration and legal fees of our charity are donated pro bono to Friends of Troop 26 by Michael Schley of Schley Look Guthrie & Locker LLP Attorneys at Law. We are able to put close to 100% of donations directly into supporting the Troop and Scouts who need extra financial help to participate in troop activities. Please consider making a donation to Friends of Troop 26. If you have any questions please contact Jyll Doubleday, President, Friends of Troop 26 at; or Paul Weakliem, ASM, Troop 26, at

For a no-cost way to automatically support the troop when you shop on Amazon, please use and designate us to receive a percentage of all your purchases. Our Amazon Charity is called “Friends of Troop 26 Santa Barbara“.