Parent Committee Meeting Notes – May 2014

Welcome and introductions

Welcome to all of the new parents and to the visiting parents.

New Adult Leader

Mike Brown, new to Troop 26 with his son Ben, has volunteered to be an Assistant Scoutmaster. Three parents who worked with him at the previous Pack gave him a very strong endorsements. Jim Hirsch and Jerry Ball noticed his participation and enthusiasm at the Camporee.

A vote was taken and all approved. None opposed. Congratulations Mike!

Recap from Last Meeting

  • Summer camp coming up and we need volunteers
  • We now have enough parent volunteers. Thank you!
  • Does the troop cover the cost for the adults? Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmaster plus 2 additional adult leaders will be covered. Some parents volunteered to pay their own way, but I think we need to be consistent.
  • We are up to date on expenses and reimbursements
  • Last week’s minutes were approved.

Scoutmaster Announcements

  • A very busy month in May because there are 5 weekends!
  • Good signup for the Summer Camp
  • Bike ride in June SF to SB
  • Another new Scout bridging on 5/16
  • Very thankful that we have a full room of parents. You all are very essential to the smooth running of the troop that makes it a much better experience for the Scouts
  • We need to do a Pancake breakfast for our host, St. Marks. We’re working on a new date. No parents needed. Scouts will do all the work, so you can just drop them off.
  • Sierra Trek’s are being planned. Emigrant Wilderness for the younger scouts. Keep an eye out for the emails. New scouts are not eligible as you need to demonstrate hiking ability and participate in camping trips.
  • Older Sierra Trek info?
  • Drivers may still be needed for the bike trip
  • Mostly need drivers for the drive up as the boys will be riding down. 🙂
  • Driver’s for Summer Camp
  • We may need drivers for this. Stay tuned.
  • Current calendar ends in September. We have 2 nights of calendar planning on August 12th and August 19th (700-830pm). Greenbar leaders, Mr. Soga and Mr. Johnson will do the planning for October 2014 through September 2015 at this time.
  • The parent committee will approve the calendar to make sure that we can afford it and support them.
  • Carolyn described the process for how to become a Merit Badge Counselor and what the responsibilities are.
  • Add links to the Merit Badge Requirements to the site

Board of Reviews

  • We have two board of reviews this evening (Second class rank & Eagle Palm)
  • We appreciate having the parent turn out as sometimes we have a lot of BoRs to get through and having plenty of adults helps us get this done

Committee Chair Notes

  • New parents are encouraged to sign up as a registered adult leader (the fee is $24, but if you were previously signed up with another Pack or Troop, you are automatically covered through 2014)
  • All new parents are also encouraged to take the Youth Safety Protection – note: you’ll have to create an account to take the training
  • One of the benefits is that you are covered by the BSA insurance when you are driving for the troop
  • If you are thinking of helping out by driving, it’s well worth it
  • Roundtable kicks off on Thursday, all are welcome to attend
  • Range Master training is available if you are interested
  • Takes place Saturday May 10th. Get more info at the Roundtable meeting on 5/8 at the LDS Church
  • Adults and Scouts need to get medical forms in each year.
  • We are trying to get everybody’s forms in in January (at least parts A & B) download the BSA medical forms here
  • Part C is only needed if you are going on a 72 hour or longer outing and it requires a physician’s signature
  • Make sure you keep a copy on hand in case it gets lost

Meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm

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