April 1, 2014
Recap & Review
Summer Camp
- Jerry will follow up with Roy about Carolyn Taylor attending
- We may need one more adult to attend as well
- July 6, 2014 @ Pico Blanco
- We need a minimum of four adults
- Jerry will find out if the troop covers the cost for the adults
Work Day at Rancho Alegre
- The work day has been cancelled
- The Troop will do a day hike at Lizard’s Mouth instead
- Saturday evening of Camporee (4/11) the committee puts on a BBQ
- Michael Ensign is coordinating the BBQ for the Troop
April Court of Honor
- April 15th is our next Court of Honor
- Rob Taylor is coordinating
- Everyone is invited to bring a dish
Treasurer Report
- Everything is going well
- Several expenses are outstanding including Death Valley and the Spring Break trip
- Summer camp deposit has been made for 20 scouts
- Summer camp deposits are overdue, so if your son is going, please turn in your deposit to Susan Swider
Scoutmaster Announcements
- Great trip to Colorado River and Joshua Tree
- The troop collected a lot of trash and cleaned up a lot of garbage
- Rock climbing in Joshua Tree went really well
- Lots of scouts visiting lately and we’ll have some more bridging over soon
- If there are any questions about adult leadership, please contact Paul or Jerry
- Training for the Bike Ride from SF to SB continues. See calendar for schedule