Inspiration Point-Night Hike

Inspiration Point by Jonathan Weakliem

On May 2, 2015, 16 scouts and 9 adults met at the church at 4:00 pm for the night hike to Inspiration Point. The group went up the Jesusita trail to Inspiration Point, an overlook about 3.5 miles from the trail head. The hike had a 1,200 foot elevation gain, so it was the usual steep, long, troop 26 hike.

While I didn’t go, I heard some interesting things about it. On the hike, someone found a baby king snake. Also, someone spotted a scorpion. Once at the top, there was an amazing view. The Santa Barbara fair at Earl Warren showground’s was visible from the top, and very interestingly, it only got dark near the end of the hike.

Jarrison B, Nick S, Timmy H, Kellen T, Alex R, Eric S, Jason T, Carter F, Vaughan F, Sean W, Jasper U, Wyatt S, Ben B, James T, Riley B, and Jeremiah S

Mr. Ball, Mr. Spencer, Mrs. Spencer, Mr. Tressler, Mr. Teng, Mr. Spitzer, Mr. Baird, Mr. Forte, and Mr. Forte’s brother

Don’t Stop Here

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