Scoutmaster Minute by Paul Johnson

Did you know that car manufacturers try out there new models on some of the worst roads in the world? They can’t find any ordinary roads that are bad enough for the purpose, so they build special tracks with ruts, bumps, and potholes that are incredibly bad. Now why do they do that, do you suppose?

That’s right, they want to give their cars the toughest possible test so that they can learn about the weak spots. The idea is that they will fix the weak spots before the cars go on sale. Are you like a new car model that never was tested? Are you cheerful when the going is easy but a grumbler and griper when there is trouble? Are you like a shiny new car that falls to pieces when it gets a tough road test?

In a way, Scouting is like a road test. We challenge ourselves with rugged backpacking trips and other adventures to see whether or not we can take it. As Scouts we like to find out what our limits are, and if we find weak spots, we try to correct them. That way, we’ll be ready for life’s bumps and potholes. Then people will say of us, “Those guys can take it”.

Don’t Stop Here

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