Hike to Saddlerock

[zilla_alert style=”grey”] Andy Barrad is the author of this post. Photos by Mike Wong.[/zilla_alert]

Scout Hike to Saddlerock – October 5, 2013

Mr. Baird and Nathan double checking our position and orienting the map.
Mr. Baird and Nathan double checking our position and orienting the map.

On a beautiful clear day, the following people met at the Big 5 parking lot at 7:00 AM.

Scouts: Jeremiah S., Nick S., Andrew D., David Z., Ben Z., Timmy H., Nathan W. Vaughn F. and Ryan M..

Adult Leaders: Assistant Scout Masters: Mark Baird and Roy Mintzner

Other Adults: Matt Swider, Michael Wong and Andy Barrad

Dog: Luke the Border Collie

After a quick circle up, we departed for the trail head. Our hike today was to Saddlerock in the Montecito foothills. It was going to be a fairly quick trip, just a short 4.5 mile loop.


Everyone did a great job on this easy climb to the top. Nothing too exciting happened, we saw a handful of other hikers and one or two bike riders passed us. When we came upon an old water tank, there was a few moments where we thought we might pose all the boys on top for a picture. Sanity returned (Mr. Baird say absolutely NO) and that idea was scratched.

The water tower that we did NOT climb.
The water tower that we did NOT climb.


Mr. Baird was telling us about the time he hiked up to Saddlerock and saw the entire rock covered with yarn. There is a group called The Santa Barbara Yarn Bomb and you can see pictures of the Yarn Bomb here. That would have been something to see firsthand.

A quick break to refuel and rehydrate.
A quick break to refuel and rehydrate.


We returned by 11:30, leaving plenty of time to do more things this Saturday.

A beautiful view along the hike.
A beautiful view along the hike.

Don’t Stop Here

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