Scoutmaster Minute February 2014

Here we are at the start of brand new year. What a great weekend we had, heading back up to Cathedral Peak for our Day Hike.

A cool wind kept us from overheating on the way up, and we made it back to the cars by about 2:30 (well, most of the cars anyway). That hike is physically demanding, and if you’re like me, you’re feeling a little sore today (OK, maybe just the adults). But it’s a good kind of soreness.

Isn’t it interesting that are bodies understand that concept, that some pain is worth it? Some soreness or stiffness simply means that You Went For It.

Likewise, in our other personal and professional endeavors, it’s good to push yourself a little outside your comfort zone, to exercise your knowledge, skills and insights on something challenging, and maybe get a little beat up in the process.

We all know that every single success is more than likely built on top of numerous failures. So go for it, get off that mental couch and push your mind like you do your body, the rewards are waiting you.

Don’t Stop Here

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