We have a lot of scouts aging out in 2020 and 2021 – it was great that so many stayed active
for all of these years! Here’s a crib sheet of those who have aged out in 2020.

Eagle Project – Aliso Interpretive nature trail.
Ben B – 630 hiking miles, 4 Sierra treks. True to T26 form, Ben is planning go to college where hiking opportunities are readily available.
David E – 105 camping nights. 6 summer camps. Mexi-coke drinker and professional hacky-sack player.
Eagle Project – Sitting areas at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Alex R – 565 hiking miles. And the Fernandez Pass trip where he hiked 6 days of the trip in sneakers without the backs, after an epic blister on day 1.
Eagle Project – Horseshoe pits at Lake Cachuma campground.
Sean W – Known for attempting to keep up with Mr. Schott’s guitar playing as well as the ‘Cheap Hiking Boot’ incident on Hell for Sure pass. Sean moved to Idaho in the summer, where he should have plenty of new outdoor opportunities.
Jonathan W – 700 hiking miles. Spectacular – and somehow injury free – crash on the Oregon bike trip.
Eagle Project – 19 Oaks new campsite construction.
Robbie W – 3rd Eagle in his family! Knows the secret recipe of the wildly popular Holiday Peanut-Chocolate balls –
and always managed to save some for the scoutmaster.
Eagle Project – building a workspace for local robotics club.
There’s another big group leaving in 2021 too – but the upcoming scouts look to be keeping up the tradition!