Hello friends of Troop 26,
We have had a year full of great outdoor adventures and public service!
Our Scouts plan the event calendar 12-18 months in advance. With the help of our uniformed Scoutmasters and the support of the parent committee, the Scouts climbed Mount Whitney, went to the National Jamboree, and explored the Golden Trout Wilderness this summer. Every month there are hikes, overnights, biking, canoeing, and/or service projects. Our Scouts continue to advance through ranks (most to eagle), learn leadership skills, and put Scout values into practice. In 2024, our Scouts will canoe camp at Northern Tier, backpack in the Emigrant Wilderness and Carrizo Plain, and snow camp at Inyo Craters. Sam and Donna Soga continue to provide friendship bread for every outing, to maintain our connection to past Scouts and our troop traditions.
We continued our tradition of community service projects, including help at Memorial Day, Veterans’ Day and other flag ceremonies and gathering food for the Food Bank. An eagle project from our troop won the Council’s Eagle Project of the Year Award for restoring a wildlife water resource at the Carrizo Plain.
This year has been a time when we could provide special help to St. Mark Church, which has hosted our troop since 1960. Our Scouts filled and placed 60+ sandbags on the church property when we had record rains in January, and we did trenching, gutter cleanup, and replaced damaged ceiling tiles in Clemens Hall. We did repairs to the church preschool yard, and one Scout is leading the replacement of their yard walls as his Eagle Project.
When American youth are hooked on smartphones and traditional values are questioned, our Scouting program is the antidote. We prepare young men for a life of leadership and public service under the Scout Law and Oath.
Please help us continue the great traditions of Troop 26:
- Give to our charity, Friends of Troop 26, which funds equipment purchases and helps our families pay for more expensive adventure trips. (Friends of Troop 26 Santa Barbara, 311 E. Carrillo Street ste D, Santa Barbara CA 93101 IRS 501(c)(3) EIN 842524919.)
- Follow us at troop26.net and on Facebook.
- Spread the word about Troop 26, as this is a great source of recruits and volunteers.
- Volunteer to help as a registered adult or other volunteer.
- Thank you for helping our Scouts. Onward and upward!
Yours in Scouting ⚜
Mike Schley SM