Beartrap – A December Tradition, December 14 & 15, 2013
Our upcoming backpacking trip will be to Beartrap, a December troop tradition. Located in the Sespe Wilderness area of the Los Padres National Forest. The trailhead is at Reyes Creek off Lockwood Valley Road.
There is a little town – Camp Sheideck – just before the trailhead that takes you back in time. The trail winds through the beautiful and rugged mountains in the Northwestern corner of the Sespe Wilderness area.
The campsite is situated in a gorgeous deep valley. During this time of year, the sun sets around 2 p.m. This, coupled with the elevation, makes for a great cold weather camping experience. Test out your gear and bring your long johns! The hike is 5 miles each way and is a moderate effort.
In years past we hiked and camped with a couple of inches of snow and saw lots of evidence of bear. Once we saw a steaming bear dropping in the middle of the trail. For real!
This trip is a Troop 26 favorite and should not be missed. Sign up for this outing at the December 3rd meeting, it is a must for a boy in scouts. Equipment will be issued on December 10th. Scouts will cook by patrol.
We will meet at the Big 5 parking lot, 7:00 a.m. on December 14th The Scouts will be delivered to their homes Sunday about 4:00 pm. This is always a fun trip. Come and make a memory with the troop.
Cooking will be done by patrols. Each patrol shall procure and cook their meals.
Bring a sack lunch for Saturday. Be prepared for the cold. Follow the equipment list on the handout which is available at the December 3rd troop meeting, Bring everything on the list. See you there.
Please direct questions to: ASMs, Mintzer (805) 696-9090 or Johnston (805) 692-4902.