Troop 26 partook in a very nice bluff ride today. It started off pretty wet and drippy. Because of all of the precipitation in the air, the roads were slick and the mist was heavy as we left the church. All the mist that was around us turned the dirt trails into wet dirt trails, so everyone ended up with a satisfying coat of dirt on bike, clothing, skin and just about everywhere.
Nine scouts we on the bike ride, Sean W., Robby W., Alex. R, Jasper U., Kaden R., Logan B., Cooper B., Timmy H. and Max J. They were all motivated and ready for the trip ahead!
(Cooper was picked up at Bacara as he had another event he had to go to. (Half Mileage)
The adults that attended the trip were SM Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Williams, Mr. Beckstrand and Logan’s grandmother, Laurie.
We followed the traditional bluff ride on the way out, including a stop at the Moore Mesa bike jumps, where we had a few crashes, but nothing too serious. Just like last year we rode through the UCSB lagoon, filled with beautiful views, and college students. Just as we were passing through the lagoon, we noticed a high school cross country meet was underway, but unlike last year the timing did not afford the troop a view of running scouts Sam Johnson and Jerry Swider.
Great job Sam and Jerry, I’m sure you guys did splendid!
The cloud cover held on the way home as used the roads and bike paths, skipping the dirt trails.
Overall, this was a successful trip, as every year. It was nice to get back on our bikes after such a long time since our last bike trip.