Camp Hi- Sierra

July 6 – 13 Camp Hi- Sierra

Camp Hi-Sierra is located on the south side of the Sierra Nevada mountains near Sonora, CA and has a rich history. Before the
1840’s the area was occupied by the Miwok Indians and occasionally an artifact can be found testifying to the generations these
Indians spent along the banks of the river. Just below the dining hall a grinding hole exists in the rocks where the Miwok ground
acorns and pine nuts for food. In the early 1900’s a sawmill, named Brown Mill was set up on the site of Camp Hi-Sierra. This logging
continued until there was no more timber to log. An enormous pile of sawdust was created by the mill and is now the archery range.
In 1949, after an exhaustive search, the Santa Clara Council of BSA bought 100 acres for $10. During the years that followed, much
through volunteer work, the existing buildings were erected. Because of their devotion, we had the opportunity to experience this
beautiful site in the forest learning to be self-reliant and resourceful. Many of us took advantage of the time to work on our badges
and get sign-oAs on some of our activities. There were many diAerent troops at the camp, perhaps nine or ten. And, the week we
attended was very hot and a highlight of the camp was the water, a place to cool oA. Two memorable meals were the mac & cheese
dinner and pancakes for breakfast, favorites for the scouts. Liam reminded us to be prepared – make sure you are ready for the heat
(or cold as it may be.) We look forward to next year at Camp Hi-Sierra.


Don’t Stop Here

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