Committee Corner, November 2013

New Troop Scoutmaster

Congratulations and thank you to Paul Johnson who was willing to step up as the Troops new Scout Master. He will be formally sworn in at the December Court of Honor.

And thank you very much to Mark Shaw for the time he has served as Scout Master. We are all truly grateful. Be sure to thank him for all he has done for the troop. With Mark Shaw and all the other assistant Scout Masters helping Paul Johnson I am sure this will be a smooth transition. We look forward to another exciting year of scouting.

Troop Newsletter

Mike Wong has offered to take over the creation/publication of the newsletter. Thank you Mike.

And thank you very much to Carolyn Griffith for her time as the publisher of the troop newsletter. Carolyn has always been willing to step up and help with the troops needs. Thank you Carolyn for all you do.

Popcorn sales

Thank you to Gillian Swanson for another year at the helm of the popcorn sales. The orders have been submitted. Congratulations to the boys and families that participated.

Scholarship availability

Any families needing assistance or needing to spread out some expenses in smaller payments are encouraged to approach the Scout Master or Parent Committee Chair with their request. We want to make sure all scouts are included in activitys.

December Court of Honor

Next month at the Court of Honor we will hold our annual Dessert Auction. Plan to bring a dessert to put on the auction block. These will be scout creations.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the November 5th Parent Committee meeting.

Don’t Stop Here

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