Gaviota St. Park, Beach Hike Overnighty
On the first bit of the hike we were unable to go straight onto the beach from the Elwood bluffs because the tide was too high. So we walked on the road to the Bacara Resort and Hotel beach, where we had lunch and waited for an hour or two to continue after the tide became low enough to continue the hike.
Along the beach we hiked past rock structures coming out of the ground and a few tide pools which many of the scouts enjoyed. However, one of the highlights for some of the scouts was seeing world class surfer Larid Hamilton at the rest spot just before we put on our overnight packs.
Further into the night, the clouds and wind began to pick up which we saw more of after we set up camp. In the morning, as the scouts began to wake up we were able to see a beautiful view over the ocean and the beach from up top the cliffs. We later started our hike up to Refugio Beach from our campsite in El Capitan. As the scouts walked along the path which paralleled the highway, there were many of stunning views of the beach and hillsides. When everyone caught up at Refugio Beach the scouts got back into the cars and traveled back home after a great overnight trip.