By Alex Randall
Scouting for food is an event where the local Boy Scout troops go out and gather food from the community to donate to the food bank. On Tuesday the 10th of March, troop 26 went out to drop off bags for people to donate food in the first part of this trip. We conducted the drop off before the meeting and pizzas were provided after. The final stage of this activity consisted of picking up any bags filled with food on March 14 Saturday morning.
After the troop collected the bags we headed back to the church to put all of the food in our backpacks in order to hike the food to the food bank. Once we got to the food bank we emptied our bags of food into a container to get weighed. However, there was no scale this year which is different compared to other years where the grand total of the amount of food was weighed and was a competition between other troops. This year there was less food donated this year compared to other years past. We suspect the coronavirus is too blame to the shortage of food being donated due to a shortage of non-perishable foods in stores. This trip consisted of 14 scouts being Keenan B, Thomas and Charlie E, Jay Miller, Evan P, Aiden P, Jaxon P, Jonathan R, Sam S, Alex R, Jonathan W, Cash Williams, and Duke.