Parent meeting
The September Parent Committee meeting will be this Tuesday, September the 2nd after the troop announcements.
There will be 6 scouts that will be needing Board of Reviews after the meeting. We really need a lot of help with this. I will need 12 volunteers.
We will also be reviewing the upcoming calendar.
Court of Honor
September 23rd will be the date for the Troop Court of Honor to recognize your scouts advancements and achievements. Let’s all show up to support our scouts.
Troop 26 Family BBQ
Saturday September 20th will be the date for our annual BBQ at Goleta Beach. We are usually set up at one of the first sites as you enter the park. Times will be announced at the upcoming meetings.
Popcorn Sales
Popcorn sales are starting up. This is a great way for your scouts to earn money towards their scouting expenses.