Parent Committee Meeting – 11/4/14
- Quick introductions as there were a couple of new faces.
Popcorn Sales
- Sales are down from previous years, but it’s up to the Scouts.
- There is money to be had though–one scout earned $400 for his camp account, which is more than one Philmont payment!
- For next year, we can look at doing a Show and Sell instead of leaving it up to the scouts to do on their own.
- This lead to a larger discussion around fund raising and balancing that with how active our troop is on a regular basis.
Financials and Dues
- Discussion around how the Troop went from $65 to $125 per scout per year
- Susan cuts off the fiscal year at October 1 of each year
- We have about $17k as of this date
- We’ve collected a little more for Philmont than we’ve paid out
- About $1500 per year spent at the Scout store (awards, merit badges)
- About $1500 per year spent on re-chartering
- We want to establish the dues for 2015 that would allow the troop to have a buffer to help with new equipment and to help cover the costs for the four scoutmasters that we need to send to Philmont in 2015
- Motion for $125/year was made, seconded and approved
- $125 for the first scout in a family, $100 for the second scout
- A long discussion ensued around tents, tent conditions, and equipment ensued. Note for future meetings, some topics need to be tabled so we can stick to our agenda.
Parent Handbook
- Draft of the handbook is online as a Google Drive
- Mike Brown is leading the effort to get the draft filled out by assigning sections to the scoutmasters to be completed
- Please hold off on any comments until the first draft appears
Medical Forms
- Please get all forms turned into the Troop in January, regardless of when you last turned them last. Thanks for your cooperation.
Parent Elections Next Month
Descriptions to come
– Committee Chair
– Treasurer
– Secretary
– Outdoor/Activities Coordinator
– Advancement Coordinator
– Training Coordinator
– Equipment Coordinator
– Membership Coordinator
– Chaplain