Scout Master Minute

Scoutmaster Minute – Leave a Trace
We spend quite a bit of time learning how to ‘Leave No Trace’ on our camping trips. We take extra care to ensure that we leave as little impact as possible and let others enjoy the unspoiled outdoors. But, you all know that no matter how hard we try, we do leave a trace – a footstep, some matted down grass, a broken twig.

When camping, we concentrate on the ‘physical’ traces we leave behind. But, every day, we are leaving a trace of our passing. Everywhere you go, everyone you meet, and everything you do leaves a trace that you were here. If you tell a little brother to shut up, that can leave an ugly trace that takes a long time to heal over. If you thank your mom for being a great mom, that will leave a good trace.

You may only interact with a stranger for a couple seconds or with your friends for a couple hours, but no matter how long it is, you leave a trace of your passing all the time. It’s up to you to leave a trace that makes the world a better or worse place.

You may not think a cheerful ‘Hello’ to a kid at school, or a courteous ‘Thank You’ to someone that serves you, or a helpful holding the door open for a stranger, or a friendly smile to a small child in the mall really makes any difference – but it does!

So, no matter what you do, you WILL Leave a Trace. Do your best to make it a Good Trace.

Don’t Stop Here

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