Scoutmaster Minute

Scoutmaster Minute – SETTING THE EXAMPLE
In the patrol leaders council, we often talk about the skills of leadership. Patrol leaders who have taken the junior leader training course know even more about them. Of the 11 skills of leadership, I believe the most important is setting the example. There’s an old saying that sums it up well. It goes something like this: “What you do speaks so loudly that I can’t hear what you say.”

In other words, don’t tell me what is right; show me by your example. It seems to me that when it comes to setting the example, we are all leaders. Even if you’re not a patrol leader, the way you conduct yourself will rub off on your patrol -mates. If one patrol member goofs off and is sloppy in his habits, there’s a temptation to say, “Well, Brian gets away with it, why shouldn’t I?”

That may be human nature, but it’s not the nature of a good patrol or a good troop. A good patrol and troop have to work like a team, with every member setting a good example of Scout-like behavior. Let’s keep that in mind always, but especially when we’re in summer camp (or on tour). Let’s show our pride in our troop and in ourselves as Scouts and young men.

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