Summer Camp 2014

It’s time to make plans for summer camp! Camp Pico Blanco is a new destination for our troop. Check it out on-line.

There are 35 merit badges including skill sets for 1st class, Astronomy, Welding, Cinematography, Photography and the obligatory Archery/Rifle/Shotgun for age appropriate scouts.

This camp is run by the Silicon Valley/Monterey Bay Council on former William Randolph Hearst property. We are planning to reserve week 1 at Pico Blanco for July 6-July 12.

There are about 5 available troop camp sites at my last checking. I will be reserving a camp site this week but an initial head count is required.

Deposits of $150/youth will be required to reserve your spot. We should have about 20, with first priority given to those who sign up first.

Total fee for the week is $325 per scout to the camp. There may be minor incidentals for carpool expenses.

Don’t Stop Here

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