2014 Los Padres Council Camporee
11-13 April 2014
We will meet at St. Mark Church on Friday, 11 April at 3:45 PM in full uniform, your gear packed in a duffle bag or internal frame pack, $20 food and camp fee, a sack dinner & drink for Friday night.
Our Troop will be cooking together and all food on Sat/Sun will be provided. We will be driving to Rancho Alegre Boy Scout Camp near Lake Cachuma and setting up camp (specific campground to be announced).
Each Patrol will compete in various events. Be ready to test your scouting skills in competition on Saturday until mid-afternoon followed by challenge events just for fun.
Each scout must have an up-to-date medical form (Parts A&B) in order to participate as well as a signed Shooting Sports Permission Slip in order shoot .22 rifles on the range.
There will be a BBQ dinner on Saturday night hosted by The Troop 26 Committee and a closing campfire open to all family members to attend.
We will return home at approximately 11:00 AM on Sunday. We will need drivers for Friday and Sunday.
Should you have any questions please contact Scoutmaster Johnson, paul.johnson@cox.net or 805-680-7395 (cell).