Broadcast Peak

On 3/4/17, Troop 26 went on a day hike to Broadcast peak. The hike was 8.4 miles round trip and had 2,300 feet of elevation gain. The hike was interesting but hard. Because you hike to a height of 4,025 feet above sea level, there were impressive views of Santa Barbara and Lake Cachuma. It was early in the morning, so a blanket of fog covered most of Lake Cachuma. At the summit we had friendship bread, baked by Mrs. Soga, and Mr. Belfiore’s famous and very secretive “ Moose Goo.” Both were delicious. Because there were 2 ways to get to the peak, most of the scouts went up the short but steep hiking path to the top. Most of the adults went down the 1.5 mile fire road. The view on the way up and at the top was amazing. You could see Santa Barbara airport and UCSB at the top, on the other side you could see Lake Cachuma and the Santa Ynez Mountains. This was a grueling but extremely enjoyable hike. Here are the scouts that went:

Thomas Eardley, Jasper Uradnicek, Kellen Tressler, Henri Benoit, Nicolis Inglehart, Jonathan Weakliem, Sean Walther, Max Johnson, and Logan Beckstrand

Don’t Stop Here

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