Committee Corner

Hello Troop 26. As most of you know, I have taken over the Committee Chair position from the esteemed Mike Wong. We are fortunate that Mike will be staying active with the committee as time allows, and have a very strong team to support the Scoutmasters and scouts. However, in a perfect world, we would love to see ALL parents attend monthly parent meetings so you can get further insight on what is happening with the troop and how we support can your scouts progress and success. The committee also takes on many of the behind-the-scene tasks as well as conducting scout rank board of reviews. Most of the current committee members have taken on 1-2 of these tasks throughout the year, and we would love to see some other parents get involved to help us fill the gaps. We know that your time is valuable, but if you can take a look at the task list below and let us know if you are available, it would be greatly appreciated! If you have questions, feel free to attend a parent meeting or contact me directly. Many hands make light work!

April Court of Honor (April 26): Need someone to purchase beverages and help set up/clean up for the potluck. Each patrol will be assigned either a main or side dish or dessert.

Camporee Family BBQ (April 23): Purchase and transport BBQ fixings (buns, hot dogs, hamburgers, salad, dessert) to Rancho Alegre and cook for scouts and families. We would also need to bring an actual BBQ for cooking. This could be 1 or more families pitching in so it isn’t so labor intensive.

September Family Picnic (September 17): Space needs to be reserved at Goleta Beach or other venue, purchase food and beverages and cook. I believe that Chuck Randall has volunteered and would like 1 or more families to assist.

Popcorn Kernel: Promote popcorn sales to the scouts, manage sales, pick up and distribute. I have done this for many years and would love to see some fresh eyes take this on. Our troop is very generous by allowing each scout to apply their entire 40% commission to their scout account. Sadly, not many take us up on this opportunity, but a strong kernel may make the difference!

Thank you and feel free to contact me if you have any questions,

Gillian Swanson
(805) 453-8232 cell

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