Image source: National Geographic
One of the Troops favorite trips is the bi-annual trip to Death Valley National Park. This trip will take place January 18-20, 2014.
Death Valley is world renowned for its colorful and complex geology. Signups and a trip flyer for the January trip to Death Valley will start Tuesday December 3rd and close on Tuesday January 7th.
We will be leaving early in the morning of Saturday, January 18 and travel to Death Valley. We will set up camp and take part in an afternoon activity. We’ll be camping at Furnace Creek campground where we can have campfires.
On Sunday, we will travel to Badwater, the lowest elevation in the continental United States (-282 ft elevation), do a little orienteering exercise, see some attractions and ride the giant sand dunes (bring your plastic toboggans or skateboard decks!)
We will pack up Monday morning and head home arriving in the early evening. This is a car camping trip, with the extra gear that makes these trips more comfortable so we’ll need several adult drivers to make it happen.
The estimated cost for the trip is $95. Contact Assistant Scoutmaster Pinner with questions at 963-1971 (W) or 448-8760 (C).