January Beach Hike Recap

Goleta Bluffs Hike

January 4, 2014, eleven Boy Scouts and four adults met at 7:00 in the Big Five parking lot for a short beach hike.

The weather wasn’t great but cleared up as the day went on. We first drove out to Goleta and the bluffs, then hiked down to the Bacara and the beach access. The scouts immediately left the adults behind.

We had wonderful dolphin and sea lion sightings. The dolphins were particularly plentiful and playful. The hike was short and we took a quick break after the high tide came up. But we arrived at our lunch spot by the Goleta bird refuge.

We took a couple of pictures, enjoyed our lunch, and ate chocolate chip and peanut friendship bread also known as Soga bread, made by Mrs. Soga and packed by Mr. Soga.

After everyone finished their lunch we started our trudge back, this time on a path on the bluffs back to the cars. The hike was uneventful except James Taylor the trek leader warned the scouts to keep a safe distance from the edge of the treacherous cliff.

Finally after a quick hike through the beautiful Goleta bluff we arrived at the cars. And we re-counted to make sure we didn’t lose anyone. After, we split and went home for another great winter break day.

Thanks to everyone who was present:
* Max Johnson
* Sam Johnson
* Simon Parker
* Riley Barrad
* Vaghn Forte
* Wesley Glenn
* James Taylor
* Ben Zavallos
* Jeremiah Swider
* Zane Forte
* Nathan Wong
* Mrs. Forte
* Mr. Wong
* Mr. Belfiore
* Mr. Soga

Note: Participants earned 6.0 miles and elevation gain of 250-feet

Written by Riley Barrad

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