January 2014 Committee Corner


Troop Committee Corner

Happy New Year!

The first Parent Committee meeting for the new year is this Tuesday Jan. 7th. Please know that all parents are part of the parent committee and encouraged to attend the meetings.

Also, it is time to get volunteers to take charge of the events for the year. Take a look at the list below and let me know where you can help.

  • April 12th Camporee BBQ
  • April 15th Court of Honor (Pot Luck)
  • July 4th Chair setup for parade
  • Sept. 20th Family BBQ at Goleta Beach
  • Popcorn Kernel
  • Dec. Court of Honor (Dessert Auction)
  • Travel Czar
  • Troop 26 “Closet”
  • Website overseer
  • Scouting Journey to Excellence coordinator
  • eScript Coordinator
  • Decorations & supplies
  • Public relations
  • Fundraiser Chair
  • Medical forms organizer

Those who volunteer to head up these events can then delegate the work to others, thus minimizing the amount of work that any one individual needs to do.

Annual Dues – $125 per scout or $200 if you have two scouts in the troop. Remember to pay Susan Swider as soon as possible.

Dessert Auction – Thank you to Susan Swider and all those who helped organize this event. And thank you to all who provided desserts for the auction.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the Jan. 7th parent meeting.

Jerry Ball
Committee Chair

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