Parent Committee Meeting Notes

Parent Committee Meeting

  • Jerry Ball is out on vacation
  • Mike Wong filling in this month
  • We read the minutes from last month’s meeting and the minutes were approved
  • We then invited Mr. Johnson into the meeting

Scoutmaster Update 2014-07-01

Church pancake breakfast

  • Both were very well attended and a big hit
  • 20 scouts and 10 adults
  • The congregation was very appreciative
  • Mr. Johnson did a slideshow and a talk about what Troop 26 does and how much we appreciated their support

Bike trip

  • This was also a success with big thanks to all of the adults. Especially Matt Swider and Mark Baird. A couple of slips and falls and flat tires, but all went well.
  • Mr. Johnson was very impressed with the scouts, no body complained, they cooked all their own meals except for one evening.

Younger Scout Sierra trek

  • Didn’t quite have the right demographic for the trip given the influx of younger scouts and we had a challenge getting enough pre-planning and organization. Cancelled it to make sure that if we do an event like this, that we have it all planned out.
  • Leaving for summer camp this Sunday at 6:00am from St. Mark’s church
  • Keep an eye out for one more email about final details
  • Scouts should come with a lunch
  • Please include phone numbers for the drivers
  • Please include an emergency phone number for the camp
  • Mr. Johnson will email the parents a troop roster with contact information
  • Mr. Teng is planning the older scout Sierra trek with assistance from Mr. Soga; thank you to Susan and Matt Swider on being the final drivers to get the scouts up there

Fourth of July Parade

  • Fourth of July, sign-ups available. Mr. Johnson will drive to get the chairs and other set up supplies. We still need volunteers for the afternoon teardown. We get a $250 donation for our help.
  • We need at least one more adult to help in the morning as Mr. Johnson will be driving.
  • Please meet at the Veteran’s building on Cabrillo near Sambo’s at 9am
  • Meet at 1pm at the top of the parade and pick everything up as the parade finishes

Greenbar Meeting

  • Last Greenbar meeting last night with okay attendance last night
  • Probably going to eliminate the OA Representative position as a leadership position within the troop
  • TLC meetings on 7/15

Eagle Court of Honor

  • Esteban Zepeda on July 29

Night Hike Coming Up

  • July 29th is our night hike
  • Mr. Shaw is leading this

Upcoming Meetings

  • Next parent meeting in August is cancelled due to older scout Sierra trek
  • Scout meeting on 8/5 and 8/26 but no meeting on 8/12 or 8/19 due to calendar planning

Assistant Scoutmasters

  • Within the next six months, we would like to get 2 to 3 new uniformed, Assistant Scoutmasters
  • They interface with the scout, find out what they’re good at, what they need help with
  • With over 40 scouts, the more assistant leaders we have the better we can serve the boys in their scouting career
  • Everybody is encouraged to attend day hikes and overnight trips to get a feel for what the Assistant Scoutmasters do
  • Please feel free to give Mr. Johnson any feedback that you might have on how the troop is running or things that we should be doing
  • For those looking for an updated Merit Badge Counselor list, you can download it here

Treasurer Report

  • We’re doing very well
  • A few outstanding expenses from recent trips or upcoming trips that we’ve collected money for but haven’t paid out
  • We’re about 2x over our desired minimum, but after we pay our anticipated expenses for the remaining summer trips, we’ll be closer to 1.3x over minimum
  • Question about fundraisers and Susan shared that we don’t really do any

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