How are the sales going? Have you figured out your sales script?
“Hi, my name is
Please make checks payable to Boy Scout Troop 26
Collect Cash/Check when you take the order
Legible order forms plus the Cash/Checks are due October 17
You can turn in order forms and $$ at any meeting before that date
Make sure that the amount money you turn in equals the sum on the form you turn in
Make sure you neatly organize all checks and cash
I will pick up the popcorn on the 16th November – please arrange with me to pick up your popcorn from me that evening or on Friday the 17th I will be out of town from the 18th to the 25th November and your popcorn will not be available during that time.
Questions/comments to Kathy Bohley, Cooper and Tobin’s mom
[email protected]
I check this email once per day – please be patient with my responses